Thursday, October 29, 2009

aku pun nak mem"BLOG"..hehehe

PART 1- Da last i have my own blog..cayala..but honestly bukan senang nak set up blog. it wasted me for about 30mins - 1 hour to begin.
well...its not easy to be easy right?? ok shall we get interest to have BLOG arise from my "BFF"...(best friend forever) named NURUL deepest gratitude goes to her... she told me the passion and passionate of blogging... memang bunyi macam best sampai aku terasuk nak berBLOG jugak... :p

is it true BLOG is the way we interpret our life?? we shall see... my purposes of joining this BLOG are merely to gain some ideas, knowledge and understanding throughout the world..with somebody around the globe who might share the same interest and more...

1 comment:

  1. pergghhhh.....dapat gk aku mem blog kan diri...huhuhuhu
