Saturday, October 31, 2009


Why is my heart going crazy.....

Why am I falling in love...

Why is it so pleasant?
Do i hear any tinkle sound.....
Owhhh..what kind of spell is this.....

Will anyone tell me?
No one will....
This I know or U know...
No one else know this..........

Your heart and Mine...
Sway together
On your heart is etched the story of
How much I love U....
I had given all my life...
Do i see Your eyes smile?
Why are Your eyes miserable?
Why am I suddenly aglow....
This I know or U know...
No one else know this..........
Your heart and Mine...
Sway together

Why is this called Freindship?
Why is this called Relationship?
What news bring the seasons?
Will anyone tell me?
No one will....
This I know or U know...
No one else know this..........


1 comment:

  1. gambar tu mulanya nk lukis ikot muka mamat dlam Final Fantasy...aleh..aleh..x jd....iras2 muka megan fox plak...huhuhuhu...mmg kurang bakat...cmne erk...tlg ajar bleh
